Local (mainly municipal) policy action for animal protection

There are several instances in which municipal action is not necessary as statewide policies have already been enacted
  1. California has a ban on sale of foie gras within the state
  2. California has a statewide ban on most uses of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs)
  3. California has a statewide ban on the sale of fur
  4. California, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, New York and Washington have all enacted major restrictions on sales of animals at pet stores
  5. California has a statewide ban on importing dangerous wild animals for circuses or carnivals
  6. Illinois has statewide ban of elephants in traveling shows
  7. Mississippi has statewide ban on temporary exhibits allowing public contact with most wild animals
  8. New Jersey has a statewide ban on the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling shows
  9. New York has a statewide ban on the use of elephants in entertainment acts and a ban of public contact with big cats
  10. New York has a statewide ban on the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores (effective late 2023)
  11. Rhode Island has statewide a ban on the use of bullhooks or similar pain inflicting devices on elephants
  12. Hawaii has a statewide ban on importing dangerous wild animals for circuses or carnivals
This table includes all U.S. cities with population greater than 100,000, plus additional locations where we are aware of municipal action. Note each column can be sorted by selecting the up and down arrows to the right of the column label.

Select city state population Municipal law committee food policy wildlife protection pets entertainment